About Us

Meet the artist

Hi! I'm Enrico, the artisan behind contraryh.com.

I was born and raised in a small country town near Venice in Italy. Since I can remember, I have always been intrigued by making things out of wood. As a child I used to carve fishing rods, swords, and tools from fallen branches and washed-up tree falls.

Landing in Australia in 2013 I dived with great white sharks, spent days paddling out into glistening seas and swimming alongside dolphins. This is why all my designs are inspired by a deep love for the ocean.

I am a professional carpenter and I am dismayed with the amount of beautiful timber being thrown away every day. When I see it, I know that I can do something to repurpose this valuable waste.

contraryh.com was born from combining my passion for the ocean, timber, and sustainability. This is how I started creating ocean-inspired artworks from the reclaimed timber. We value nature, beauty and sustainability and we believe everything we buy is intentional and meaningful as the life we live.